Project Description
Merill J. Fernando as a Sri Lankan, dedicated his life to discover the world of tea as the native crop his country produced, and challenged the tea industry commoditization of the 1950s. 4 decades later in 1985 he launched his own brand of Dilmah, which became the first producer owned tea brand hand picked and packed in Sri Lanka, making it one of the finest teas of the world. The Dilmah philosophy focuses heavily on the sentiment of business as a matter of human service and ethical tea production.
In today’s global marketplace, providing cultural advisory is essential for tailoring marketing, communication and packaging content to resonate with diverse audiences. STF as an expert in local nuances, was able to incorporate local customs and preferences into Dilmah’s messaging, linguistically and accurate but culturally sensitive. Our expertise in crafting regionally relevant content enhances engagement, builds trust and drives the success of marketing campaigns across a spectrum of cultural landscapes.
Dilmah collaborated with STF upon entry to the Saudi market, whereas the challenge was in bridging the gap between brand image and awareness. STF assumed a methodical approach to the assessment of the market and proceeded to develop a content strategy accordingly. The partnership resulted in a historic success story which infused the Sri Lankan story of Dilmah into elements of Saudi culture, whereas tea is a staple of both South East Asia and the Gulf.
The creation of captivating videos for Dilmah’s Saudi marketing campaigns involved a strategic blend of cultural sensitivity and engaging storytelling. STF team of production experts incorporated vibrant visuals showcasing the tea’s quality and purity, along with narratives that resonate with the Saudi audience’s tea drinking traditions. Through meticulous design, development and production we successfully conveyed the essence of Dilmah Tea as a symbol of relaxation and refinement, aligning perfectly with Saudi preferences and values.
2021 - 2022
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